Restorative Yoga Chakra Bundle


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 Restorative Yoga  For Lower Chakras

Balance your energy centers with this series of chakra based restorative yoga sessions. The Chakras are both fascinating and complex. An ancient system of healing, growth and transformation. Often depicted as wheels of energy which align the spine from crown to base. They form a map of your own inner world and are a useful framework to identify not only how your energy is expressed, but where your energy is over or underactive and how in turn that manifests as an imbalance in your physical, mental and emotional being. Each chakra has its own associations and correspondences to different parts of the body, glands, colours, sounds, shapes (yantras) and emotions to name a few.

In these sessions we will learn how to explore and balance  your own chakras using asana, mudra, mantra, visualization, meditation and relaxation.

Want to book all 4 sessions for a discounted price?

Check the dates and details for each session below :-

Restorative Yoga For Muladhara Chakra – Earth, Grounding, Roots, Stability, Survival, Body  – Sunday 16th Feb 

Restorative Yoga For Swadisthana Chakra  – Water, Pleasure, Emotions, Change, Movement –  Sunday 16th March

Restorative Yoga To Balance Manipura ChakraFire, Power, Will, Transformation, Self Esteem, Metabolism, Energy –  Sunday 27th April 

Restorative Yoga To Balance Heart Chakra – Air, Balance, Relationship, Healing, Breath –  Sunday 18th May 

All sessions are on Sunday evenings at 6.30 pm – 8.30pm.


** Please note due to small group numbers and limited spaces all booking made are non-refundable and non-negotiable**


